1. Introduction Allison Red Security Statement

This is the privacy statement of Allison Red. This privacy statement applies to all privacy-sensitive information or personal data that you provide to us, for example when you contact us. We clearly explain how we store your data, how long it is stored and what exactly the purpose of the data processing is. In addition, we give you clear insight into how you can use your rights concerning data processing.

This privacy statement is about the data that Allison Red processes.  Allison Red is a recruitment consultancy specializing in the financial world.  Read more about what we do exactly.

Because we process (or have processed) personal data in various situations, we have opted for an extensive privacy statement. There are often situations in which Allison Red must collect and process/use your personal data. It is important that you know what happens to your personal data and how you can let us know your wishes concerning the handling of personal data.

Allison Red takes your privacy very seriously and will use and process personal information securely. All articles in this privacy statement are under the applicable General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This legislation is valid throughout Europe.

If you would like to receive more information or have questions about Allison Red 's privacy statement, please use the contact form.

  1. Categories of personal data

We process various types of personal data with the main purpose of linking talents to employers and to be able to provide related and reinforcing services in the field of job placement.

We do not share your personal data with parties other than those mentioned below without your permission.

The personal data that we (generally) process from candidates are:

  • First and last name;
  • Address;
  • Place of residence;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • Gender;
  • Citizen service number;
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV), information about education, internships and work experience and possibly a passport photo;
  • Phone number;

Personal data we collect from business relations:

  • Name of the business relationship;
  • Chamber of Commerce number;
  • VAT number;
  • First and last name of the contact person;
  • Business address details;
  • Telephone number of the contact person;
  • E-mail address of the contact person;
  • Data about conversations and meetings that have taken place with business relations;
  • Job title.

By business relations of Allison Red, we mean customers, suppliers, and any other bodies with whom we maintain a business relationship. We only store and use the personal data that is provided directly by you, or which is specified for processing by Allison Red.

Special personal data

Allison Red only records special personal data when necessary to comply with its legal obligations or if this is otherwise permitted by or under the law. Special personal data refers to data on ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health, sexual behaviour or sexual orientation, criminal convictions, and criminal offences.

  1. Basis and purposes for data processing and period of storage

Under the GDPR legislation, we are obliged to have a lawful basis for processing your personal data. Article 6 paragraph 1 sub a, sub b and sub c and Article 9 paragraph 2 sub a of the GDPR apply to our situation: the processing of your personal data is done based on consent, because it is necessary for the execution of an agreement between you and Allison Red or because it is necessary to comply with legal obligations.

Article 13 paragraph 1 sub c of the GDPR requires us to clearly indicate for which ‘processing purposes' the personal data is intended. Below is therefore an overview of different processing purposes.

We always process your personal data based on one of the following principles: execution of an agreement, consent, compliance with legal obligations and legitimate interests.

There are several purposes for which Allison Red collects your data;

  1. Contact

If you have contacted Allison Red in any way, the data you provide will be stored and used for the purposes of continued contact. This could be data such as a name, e-mail address and telephone number. If the contact does not lead to the provision of a service or work, the data provided by you will be stored for a maximum period of two (2) years.

The basis for processing in this context: our legitimate interest (to be able to respond to your questions, complaints and contact requests, we process your data so that we can provide you with the best possible service) and your consent (so that we can contact you if there is any reason to do so).

  1. Sending newsletters

You can subscribe to a newsletter. If you sign up for the newsletter, Allison Red will in any case process your e-mail address. Data such as your first and last name may also be processed. We keep the data until the newsletter is unsubscribed. After unsubscribing, the data will be deleted.

The basis for processing in this context: your consent (to indicate to Allison Red that you are interested in receiving our newsletter), and our legitimate interest (for communication and information about Allison Red).

  1. Accounting

Allison Red is legally obliged to keep a thorough accounting. For this purpose, the data reasonably present on quotations or invoices is stored. Think of your name and, if necessary, bank details. To keep sound accounts, we must keep personal data related to financial purposes for a period of at least seven (7) years, possibly plus five (5) years for internal accounting.

The basis for processing in this context: our legal obligations (it is legally required to keep legally correct accounts.)

  1. The agreement with an organization

When an agreement is made, Allison Red needs certain types of data. Without this data, it is not possible to properly execute the agreement. Think of first and last name, (possibly) company details and address details. All data relating to an agreement will in any case be kept for the period that the agreement is active. At the time the agreement expires or is completed, the processed data will be kept for seven (7) years. After the end of the agreement, the customer data will be kept for another three (3) years.

The bases for processing in this context: the execution of the agreement (without certain types data, an agreement cannot be executed).

  1. Cookies, placed via https://allison-red.com/ (Read our cookie statement for detailed information)

To use the website and to make the website function properly, several data are stored. Think of IP address, location data, and static and aggregated data about surfing behaviour and website visits (scrolling and clicking behaviour).

Please note: Concerning cookies, we comply with both the GDPR and the Dutch cookie law (Telecommunicatiewet article 11.7A). This means that more detailed information about cookies is given in a separate document: our cookie statement.

  1. Recipients of personal data

Allison Red shares personal data with third parties: this only happens when strictly necessary. In all cases, Allison Red will comply with the GDPR legislation as controller, specifically Article 28 et seq. GDPR.

To guarantee the best service from Allison Red, we cooperate with certain external parties. An example might be parties that arrange our financial affairs. Below we offer you an overview of external parties that receive personal data from you.

Overview of third parties that receive personal data from you:

  • Accountant

To keep sound accounts, personal data may be provided by an accountant. This is strictly necessary data, which is also stated on invoices.

  • Tax authorities/government agencies

To comply with our tax liability and/or any other legal requirement, we share the necessary personal data with the tax authorities and other government agencies, if we are legally obligated to do so.

  • Google Analytics

For the website to function, we use Google Analytics. Google receives data on the use of the website. More information about the data collected by Google can be found in this privacy statement.

  • Partners with whom a collaboration has been entered into

To find a potential employee, partners (companies that offer vacancies via Allison Red) receive personal data from candidates.

  • CRM system

To maintain customer relationships, we store some data in a CRM system.

  • Parties that have references

Individuals and organizations that have information about, for example, your reference or suitability (such as diplomas) or that we, at your request, provide data or who, at your request, provide us with information, such as current, former or intended employers, trainers, examination institutes and employment agencies.

Furthermore, we will not provide the information you provide to other parties, unless this is legally required and permitted.

  1. Security

Personal data is only accessible to the authorized employees of Allison Red. This personal data is protected by a password.

The devices on which your data is stored are locked with a password and/or fingerprint scan and/or facial recognition. This involves the necessary devices, such as computers, laptops, and mobile phones. Physical data is destroyed.

For the website or digitally transmitted data, Allison Red uses firewalls, virus scanners and a periodic backup. Of course, no data whose retention period has expired are included in the backup. Passwords for systems are changed periodically and emails are cleaned periodically.

Your visit to the Allison Red website is also secured by https security. This means that your connection to Allison Red is private. In addition, we have an SSL certificate and a site Lock. With this, we ensure that your personal data remains safe during the website visit.

Physical files are stored in a locked cabinet on location and are only accessible to authorized employees.

  1. Your rights regarding your personal data

Below are the rights that you can exercise regarding your personal data. We hereby indicate in as much detail as possible how the relevant right may be exercised.

    1. Right of access (Article 15 GDPR)

You always have the right to view the data processed and stored by Allison Red. To exercise this right, please contact Allison Red.

    1. Right to rectification (Article 16 GDPR)

If the data stored by Allison Red turns out to be incorrect, you have the right to have this data rectified. Allison Red will then replace the current incorrect data with the correct data.

    1. Right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR)

You have the right to have personal data transferred by Allison Red to a similar party. This refers to a party that offers and performs roughly the same services as Allison Red.

    1. Right to erasure (Article 17 GDPR)

In certain cases, you can request Allison Red to have data deleted. You have the option to do so through the right to be forgotten. Below you will find a list of situations in which Allison Red needs to delete your data:

  • If the data processed by Allison Red is no longer necessary for the processing purpose.
  • If the consent to the use of the personal data is withdrawn by you.
  • If you object to the processing of your data. In the case of direct marketing, you always have an absolute right to object.  If your interests with regard to the processing of personal data outweigh those of Allison Red, you have a relative right. The deletion of the data will then only take place if it has been demonstrated that your interests outweigh those of Allison Red.
  • If Allison Red processes data unlawfully, you have a direct option to have the data deleted by Allison Red. This is the case, for example, if there is no legal basis for the processing of personal data. 
  • If a statutory retention period has been exceeded, Allison Red is obliged to delete the processed personal data.
  • If you, as a data subject, are younger than 16 years old and no permission from a parent or guardian has been granted for the processing of the personal data. In this case, Allison Red will immediately delete your personal data.

There may be exceptions to the right to be forgotten. For more information, please refer to the following page.

    1. Right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority

If you suspect that Allison Red does not thoroughly handle your personal data, you always have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You can do this via this link. The Dutch Data Protection Authority will further handle your complaint.

    1. Right to stop data consumption, objection (Article 21 GDPR)

You have the right to object to data processing at any time. Especially in the case of 'direct marketing'.

We also point out the following rights:

  • Right to restrict (part of) the processing: under certain conditions, you have the right to obtain from Allison Red the restriction of the processing of your personal data. In short, this means that Allison Red temporarily "freezes" the processing of the data. You can invoke this right in four situations: (1) pending the assessment of a correction request, (2) if data should be deleted, but deletion is not desired, (3) if Allison Red no longer needs the data while it is still needed for (the preparation for) a lawsuit and (4) pending the assessment of an objection.
  • Withdrawal of consent: you have this right insofar as we process your data based on your consent. You have the right to withdraw consent once given at any time. This has no consequences for the past, but it does mean that we are no longer allowed to process that data. As a result, Allison Red may no longer be able to provide you with certain services.

Make use of the above rights?

In most cases, contacting us is enough to make use of the aforementioned rights. If we have doubts about the validity of your identity, we can take other measures to find out. For example, you are asked to provide us with a copy of your identity document. This is always done in the manner prescribed by the central government. In most cases, a less invasive method of identity verification will suffice. The use of the aforementioned rights is free of charge; barring abuse.

We would like to point out that the rights described above are not absolute rights. There may be circumstances that prevent Allison Red from responding to a particular request. We will always assess each request on its own merits. If we are unable to comply with a certain request, we will of course make this known to you with reasons.

  1. Duties

Allison Red processes your personal data, as indicated, among other things, based on legitimate interest. Your personal data will never be sold to a third party.

The data that must be provided is the minimum required personal data that is necessary for the provision of services. If you do not provide us with this mandatory information, Allison Red will not be able to offer the services (properly).

If it is necessary to share your data with parties other than the parties mentioned in Article 5, your permission will of course first be requested by amending our privacy statement. We always make changes known via the Allison Red website.

Allison Red reserves the right to disclose information when required to do so by law, or when Allison Red deems it justified to comply with a legal request or process. This applies when it comes to ownership or protecting Allison Red as well. We try to respect your right to privacy as much as possible.

Do you have any questions about our privacy statement? Please feel free to contact us.

Allison Red | 06 12 56 46 42

PC Hoofdstraat 134a | 1071CE | Amsterdam

KvK Nr.  90185390


Latest version 2024